Yoga en casa, una tendencia 2020

Yoga at home, a 2020 trend

Between February and April, searches for how to practice yoga at home increased tenfold. Confinement, due to boredom, need or anxiety, forced us to look for alternatives to work our body and mind from home.

Practicing yoga at home was, and continues to be, a healthy alternative for those who can't (or don't have time) to leave the house. Although after confinement, and taking advantage of the summer, we wanted to always be outside, with autumn and the return to routine, sessions in the living room in front of the TV will return.

If we need something this year it is to relax, take care of our health and work on our spirituality.

Basic equipment for doing yoga at home

Getting started is never easy and it is normal that at first we do not want to make a large investment in an activity that we do not know if we will like. One of the advantages of yoga is that you can start practicing with very little investment, the most important thing is to want it!


The mat is, without a doubt, the most recurring image in our imagination when we talk about yoga. Although you can start with a blanket, we recommend that you get a good mat that is non-slip, easy to clean, and allows you the right balance between comfort and balance.


This product, although it is not so important, can help you do the exercises better while gaining a little elasticity. The blocks should also be made of a soft, rigid material that is easy to clean. With two blocks you will be enough, we are not looking for the living room of your house to look like a gym.


Of the three products, all of which are very useful, this may be the last on your priority list. Yoga ropes or tapes facilitate elasticity exercises when we can't do it on our own. They don't hurt if your goal is to work on it.

yoga clothes

We might think that to do yoga at home clothing is the least important thing, but the reality is that it requires certain elasticity and support characteristics so that you feel comfortable. Here freedom of movement comes first, but if you are going to take time for yourself it is best to do it feeling pretty.

MyLibi leggings are a good option, as they have a high waist so you don't have to constantly pull them up. Additionally, they do not generate transparency and are quick-drying and have bacterial control to avoid bad odors. We are fans of minimalist design.


Types of Yoga

Yoga as a practice and philosophy is one but its aspects and practices are very diverse. There are different types of yoga that gain and lose popularity depending on the place and time; We are sure that there is one perfect for you, but we are going to show you the most popular ones to do yoga at home.

Hatha Yoga

This is one of the most popular modalities in gyms. Its combination of physical postures and breathing make it ideal for relaxing and can be mixed with meditation to enhance this effect.

Asanas, regardless of whether they work better for you or not, are a good start to working on your elasticity, which makes Hatha for all audiences. You can even practice with children.

Ashtanga Yoga

This type of yoga is especially attractive for those who want to work especially on the physical part, since it consists of very fast movements and positions that require more strength and in pre-established circuits.

It is not the most recommended practice to start with, but if you are an athlete you could include it in your routine.


Vinyasa consists of synchronizing breathing with movements with special emphasis on controlling inhalations and exhalations. It is VERY relaxing and highly recommended for practicing with children.

Yoga videos at home

To get the most out of yoga you need a good teacher. Although we would like everyone to be able to have an instructor at home, that is not always possible.

Today there are excellent paid and free alternatives so you can get a good guide; It will be up to you to rigorously follow their instructions and monitor their process.

We recommend that you take the time to find one that you find pleasant from its voice to the visual resources and that are recorded in good quality. Yoga is a moment of relaxation in which these details do count.


Who to follow

Once you start doing yoga at home, it is very possible that you will want to learn more about the subject, we have very high quality influencers that may be attractive to you. It is impossible to make a complete list, but we point out three that we consider very top.

Xuan Lan

She is the undisputed queen of yoga in Spain with a very strong digital presence. Their YouTube channel is one of our favorites with all kinds of workouts.

You can also follow her on Instagram (@XuanLanYoga) and learn more about her life outside of the studio. That woman breathes peace.

Marta Millan

Marta is another of YouTube's darlings. Her proposal, very focused on spirituality, has been growing rapidly, and her work with pregnant women is very popular.

If you are interested in Ayurveda medicine, astrology and mindfulness, it may be the right one for you.

Patricia Montero

The Valencian actress is also a yoga teacher and quite active on her social networks. It promotes a healthy lifestyle and has a very interesting Yoga at home program for children.

Practice yoga at home as a family

Yoga, unlike other sports disciplines, can be done as a couple or with children. We believe that practicing alone is very important, but doing it in company can be very satisfying and help you have continuity.

Additionally, it can be very beneficial for children, especially now, helping them burn off energy, relax and concentrate.

Also practicing it with your partner is a new experience that generates intimacy, and in some cases a good laugh. The truth is that there are exercises in which we may need a hand.

We invite you to follow us on our social networks for more content about yoga, fashion and lifestyle.

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