Los 8 pasos del yoga

The 8 steps of yoga

The 8 steps of yoga described in the Yoga Sutra are still valid and gain importance over time. Seeing our current situation we realize the need for calm.

This entry, far from attempting to give an absolute truth, is a personal interpretation of Patanjali's legacy in the light of current circumstances.

Yama and ethical codes

Regardless of the religion we profess, or the lack thereof, in yoga and in life we ​​must begin with our ethical code. Without a compass it is easy to get lost, and in yoga we have not one but five.


Violence begets more violence, and the only way to live in peace is to renounce all forms of it. In such a violent world, Ahimsa means not being complicit in its dynamics.


Beyond not lying, guarding the truth is a spiritual responsibility. Between filters, networks and posturing we get used to showing what we are not and distorting what we are.


Once again the fragility is in the nuances. The Asteya talks about not stealing, but that also includes not taking advantage of others, there must be an ethical limit in business.


Continence and not wasting energy (sexual or any kind). Our energy is not an asset that should be vulgarly wasted. Taking care of our energy is taking care of ourselves.


We are slaves to what we cling to. Detachment does not mean not valuing things, emotions and people: it means flowing with their existence and respecting their cycles. Receive what is fair.

Niyamas: actions and behaviors

Once we have outlined some ethical maxims, the next step is to take actions, attitudes and disciplines accordingly. Like the yamas, the niyamas are divided into five.


The cleanliness that is born from thought and manifests itself in what we think, do and how we take care of ourselves is essential.


Enjoying life, above circumstances, is a fundamental practice to have a purpose. Discipline and ethics are very important, but they mean little if at the end of the day we don't learn to enjoy things.


Discipline and austerity, contrary to what can be seen in our environment, can be a path to happiness without excesses or extravagance.


Self-knowledge as a path of spiritual development. The maxim of Know thyself, as important for the ancient Greeks as for yoga, has universal value.

Ishvara Pranidhana

The devotion. Giving ourselves to a greater cause frees us from many worldly burdens and fills us with purpose.


Asana and physical work

The most recognized part of yoga is the physical work. Its combination of stretching, breathing and physical work helps us achieve all the objectives of the niyamas and find the concentration necessary to connect with yourself.

Pranayama and breathing

The expansion of vital energy (prana) and its control are achieved through breathing. Discovering ourselves in all stages of breathing is a privilege.

Pratyahara: the mind

This step consists of isolating the senses and the physical world from the mind in order to focus on our interior and communicate with the soul.

Dharana: concentration

One technique to avoid noisy thoughts and distractions is to focus on a single unchanging object. A mantra, a sound or an image can act as a channel to train us in Dharana.

Dhyana and meditation

After asanas, meditation is the second most recurring image when thinking about yoga, but its real practice is far from the imaginary one.

The 8 steps of yoga prepare us to reach this moment and convert concentration into meditation and move from unidirectional to non-directional attention.


Samahdi is the final state of yoga: one in which the meditator is absorbed by the whole to become one with the universe.

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